ChatBot Automation

Create Workflows
Increase customer interactions with ChatBots
Auto-replies with ChatBots
Level up your customer service
Prioritize customer relationships by promptly answering queries on WhatsApp Channel with automated responses using ChatBots. Minimize wait times and enhance business engagement.

Nurture leads
Efficiently qualify leads with ChatBots
Chatbots can work round the clock and provide consistent responses to inquiries, which can save you time and effort. Build flows that can qualify leads efficiently so you can focus on hot prospects.
Implement ChatBot workflows to offer visitors product/service information, pricing details, and other relevant data, aiding their purchasing decisions.
Capture visitor contact and details to gather information about their interest in your business. Utilize this data for lead follow-up, advancing them through the sales funnel.
More features
Try a more convenient & efficient way to interact with your customer
Move Customer Interaction to WhatsApp
24*7 Customer Engagement on WhatsApp
The easiest and most reliable way to be in touch with your customers
Features for the support team
Automate FAQs with ChatBot to reduce response time. Increase customer satisfaction with auto-replies.
Expand Business Operations
Automated chat enables business growth with a small team, boosts profitability, and provides scalable infrastructure